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Forests change, adapt, and improve their environment. We do too.



Our team at RMC are expert strategist that ensure all options are considered before providing a finished product. We pride ourselves in helping our clients with their most complex strategic challenges and build tailored solutions to help them achieve sustained growth.

We begin by helping our clients choose where to focus their efforts in order to get the most effective gains to their business. While maintaining integrity and focus, we aim to find the quickest and most cost-effective route to success.



RMC is a different type of consulting service. We have some of the best industry experts on staff and offer unique access to specialist expertise and analytical tools.

Our solutions are innovative and sometimes considered 'brave'. They are derived from a depth of technical and practical industry knowledge and communicated with professional integrity and reliance. With over 100 years experience on our small crew, no problem exists that we can't find a solution for. There is always a solution.



Our consulting services focus on our clients' unique issues and opportunities.

We adapt and provide the professional forestry  services you need, where you need them, at a price that keeps you competitive. We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our fun approach to work. We love what we do and we love bringing our success to our clients.

Operations Manager, Mid Coast Client

“With the dynamics of the forest industry constantly changing, RMC has managed to not only adapt and remain competitive through the hard times, but continue to come up with innovative solutions to avoiding future downturns in our business.”


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